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Freddie Poole Martial Arts School Dallas, Texas offers MMA classes and Kenpo classes

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If you are looking for a martial arts instructor in the Dallas area, you will be happy to know that there are many options available. Dallas has a variety of martial arts instructors that can teach you, such as kenpo or MMA. Chamberlain Studios of Self-Defense provides classes for both men & women. Classes are available at more than a dozen locations in the Dallas metropolitan area.

Freddie Poole's Martial Arts

Freddie Poole’s Martial Arts can be found in Dallas, TX. It teaches kenpo and other forms of martial arts. Kickboxing, Judo and Muay Thai are also available. These all have great self-defense capabilities. These martial arts training classes are ideal for people of all ages, and their instructors have a wealth of experience in various styles.

Freddie Poole's MMA Gym

Freddie Poole’s Martial Arts opened in Dallas, Texas in 2004. The company generates an average annual revenue of $557.011. The facility employs 4 workers at its four locations. Visit the company website to find out more. You can also contact the business directly by calling 214-262-0647. Freddie Poole's Martial Arts can be contacted at 5757 W Lovers Ln Ste 217.

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Freddie Poole's Kenpo Karate

Freddie Poole's Martial Arts is an accredited school that offers classes for all ages. It combines traditional values and a modern system for self-defense as well as combat. The training includes taekwon-do, kickboxing, judo, and karate. In a relaxed and fun environment, students will learn self-defense techniques and confidence techniques. This martial arts school will make you happy.

Freddie Poole's FPMA

Located in Dallas, Texas, Freddie Poole's Martial Arts (FPMA) offers quality self-defense instruction, kickboxing, Muay Thai, and more. This school offers martial arts classes for all ages and levels. Its curriculum mixes traditional values with modern techniques, like westernized boxing and Judo. Students at all levels will enjoy an exceptional training experience.

Freddie Poole's FPMA reviews

Freddie Poole's Martial Arts (FPMA) is a top-rated martial arts school in Dallas. Located in downtown Dallas, FPMA offers classes for all ages and skill levels. The instructors in Martial Arts provide excellent instruction in self-defense, and instill self-protection values. Freddie Poole's Martial Arts staff will provide a challenging, rewarding class for all levels of martial artists.

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Where do most doomsday preppers live?

Most people who are prepping for an apocalypse tend to live in rural areas. They have a greater chance of survival in the event that society crumbles. They also have a greater likelihood of finding supplies if there's less competition.

You must find shelter, food, water, and other essentials if you are to survive.

You should only go to areas with low population density. Less people means that it's easier to survive.

What should every doomsday preppper have?

It is not only about what you have, but how much. Simple answer: If you are to survive for long periods of time, you need to be able to live off the land.

There are many ways to prepare for an emergency. You don't necessarily have to go out and buy everything on this list. However, you should at least know where to start when preparing for disaster.

The most important thing is to make sure you're prepared for anything. You must be prepared for everything if you want to survive.

My survival gear should be stored where?

It is best to keep your emergency survival gear near you so it is easily accessible in the event of an emergency. Your best place to store your survival gear is under your bed or in your closet.

Label your supplies with their contents and dates so that you can identify which ones have been used and which ones are still good.

You should also keep a duplicate of your inventory elsewhere. In case of an accident to your home or apartment, you will need proof that you have the right stuff.

What are the essential things I should know before I start my doomsday preparation?

You will first need to find out information about your local area. Is there any chance of natural disasters in your area? Are there any significant risks?

Flood insurance policies are a good idea if you live in a flood area. Flooding is one of the biggest threats to life during a crisis.

Insurance for tsunamis is a good idea if you live on the coasts. Tsunamis are caused by underwater earthquakes. They are often unpredictable so it is important to be prepared.

Next, you'll need to figure out how long you plan to be self-sufficient. What length of time will you be able fend for your self?

Will you be absent for a few short days? Or will your absence last for weeks or even months?

Is it possible to live alone? If you plan on living alone, then you'll need some kind of weapon. It doesn't really matter what type of weapon you choose, such as a gun or bow and arrow. Be sure to feel at ease with whatever tool you pick.

Apart from weapons, you will also need tools such a saw, shovel, hammer and nails. These are tools that can be used to create shelters or makeshift weapons.

You'll probably want to stockpile water and food. Be sure to have enough to last you several days.

Don't forget that you don’t have to buy all the items on this list. You should start at least.

What emergency supplies should I have at home?

If you are planning on going away for an extended period of time, it is important to think ahead and prepare yourself for any eventuality. It might be worth packing some essential items, such as water, food, first aid kits, flashlights, and batteries. This will make you more prepared and ensure that you are prepared to handle any emergency.

A good place to start would be with a basic first aid kit. It should contain antiseptic creams as well painkillers, bandages and gauze pads. Tweezers, scissors, thermometers, alcohol swabs and tweezers are also recommended. Also, you may want to add a small flashlight to see what's inside your kit during power outages.

You can store them in a plastic container that has a lid. This will ensure they stay dry and clean.

Also, consider the possibility of storing food up to a week in advance. You could even create your own freeze dried foods. These are simple to cook and require no special cooking equipment. All you need is hot water.

A solar-powered battery backup is another option. This will let you charge your tablet, smartphone, and laptop.


  • Some 57.2 percent of voters chose Crocs, proving that comfort rules. Background: This summer, we surveyed our readers about what they’d shove into a backpack if they were caught unprepared for the collapse of society. (inverse.com)
  • Approximately a hundred and seventeen million people earn, on average, the same income they did in 1980, while the typical income for the top one percent has nearly tripled. (newyorker.com)
  • In the first ten months of 2016, foreigners bought nearly fourteen hundred square miles of land in New Zealand, more than quadruple what they bought in the same period the previous year, according to the government. (newyorker.com)

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How To

How to survive in the wild with nothing

Many people don't know how to survive in the wild in this modern world. First, you need to learn how make fire, hunt animals, gather water, and build shelters. You must be able to identify what food you eat, how you get there, where your shelter is and what tools are used in order for you to survive in the wild. You must think like a hunter if you want to survive in the wild.

Survival tips

  1. Always make a plan before you go out in the wild. A plan will help you avoid any problems while you are trying to survive in nature.
  2. Make sure you have a map of the area. A map of your area will make it easy to locate your way home when you get lost.
  3. Stay hydrated. Drinking enough water is crucial when you are outdoors. You should drink at least 2 liters of water per day.
  4. It is important to know what plants are edible. Learn how you can recognize different types of plants.
  5. Find a safe spot to sleep. Avoid living near dangerous animals and places.
  6. You should build a shelter. A good shelter helps keep you warm during cold weather.
  7. Use a compass. A compass can be very useful in wild situations.
  8. A knife is a must-have. When hunting, knives are extremely useful.
  9. You should know how to start a flame. You must know how to light a fire in the wilderness.
  10. Predators are to be avoided. If you don't pay attention, predators could try to harm your health.
  11. Know how to use weapons. When you are in a forest, weapons are extremely useful.
  12. Stay away from poisonous snakes. Snake bites can prove fatal.
  13. Avoid being bitten. Insects can carry diseases that can kill you.
  14. Protect yourself from lightning. Lightning strikes can be very dangerous.
  15. Don't touch dead bodies. Dead bodies can spread disease.
  16. Look after your health. When you are in a survival situation, you must take care of your health.
  17. Be careful around fires. Fire can be dangerous and can even cause irreparable damage.
  18. Don't waste any time. Time is your most valuable asset.
  19. Don't panic. Panic will only make matters worse
  20. Don't lose hope. It is the only thing that keeps us going.
  21. Don't be complacent. Complacency can lead to death.


Freddie Poole Martial Arts School Dallas, Texas offers MMA classes and Kenpo classes